Sign from the Universe

There was a poor man who was unhappy and miserable. He was homeless and did not  have any food to eat. He constantly wallowed in self-pity and felt a lot of pain. He cursed life and he cursed everybody who seemed to have a good life. His pain and misery eventually made him feel entitled.... Continue Reading →

Chrysalis – during testing times

[Note : This is a post written during the Corona Virus Pandemic and the global crisis. However, I believe this might be a relevant post during any kind of crisis.] They told me that I was going through a natural transformation. I was no longer going to be part of the Caterpillar Community. I was... Continue Reading →

Who is your Master?

One of the great Sufi Masters, Junnaid, was dying. His chief disciple came close to him and asked softly, ″Master, you are leaving us. One question has always been in our minds. Who was your Master? This has been a great curiosity among all your disciples because we have never heard you talk about your... Continue Reading →

The Bitter Gourd’s Pilgrimage

One day, all the disciples went eagerly to the Master. They said, "Master, we wish to go on a pilgrimage." The Master asked them, "Why do you want to go on a pilgrimage?" Disciples: So that we can purify ourselves and be more devoted to the Divine. Master: Oh that is wonderful! You must go.... Continue Reading →

The Desire for Validation

Validation is a very deep and subconscious need for all of us. Validation is healing. Validation is soothing. But how do we know when our desire for validation has consumed us? This is a little story based on Indian Mythology. The Ramayana is considered one of the greatest epics written in Indian Culture. Valmiki is... Continue Reading →

The Boiling Frog Syndrome

Human Beings and Frogs are two creatures in nature who have a tremendous power to tolerate and adjust. This was a study conducted sometime in the early 1900's. However, there is a lot of debate regarding the authenticity of this study. Nonetheless, the theory is quite interesting and quite pertinent to human beings. Put a... Continue Reading →

The Birth Song

Here's another popular story from across the internet that has deeply touched my heart. There is a tribe in Africa where the date of birth of a child is not calculated from its birth, nor from when it was conceived, but from the day when the child was a thought in the spirit of its... Continue Reading →


Innocence is a quality that every child is born with. Some of us lose it along the way. Some of us know how to keep it intact. Some of us work towards finding it later in life. Innocence is such a beautiful quality that it really shapes the way you think and the way you... Continue Reading →

The Pianist

One time, a fine pianist performed at a party for 50 rich women. After she was done, a woman from the party said to the virtuoso, “I’d give anything to play as you do.” As the master pianist sipped her coffee in slow motion, she took a brief pause and said, “Oh no you wouldn’t.”... Continue Reading →

The 100th Monkey Effect

Have you noticed children nowadays (even as early as 3 years of age) seem to very naturally handle technology and gadgets? And on the contrary, we adults (typically people in the late 30's and beyond) sometimes seem to fumble and struggle adapting to technology and gadgets? Ever thought about how it is that kids in... Continue Reading →

In-Charge or In-Control

Let us first start with understanding these two phrases - 'Being in charge' & 'Being in control'. Let me make a reference to sports to get the meaning clear. "The Team Manager just announced that Coach Henry is no longer in charge of his team". This would imply that Coach Henry is no longer in... Continue Reading →

I am Willing

[This post is originally written by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of best-seller "Eat, Pray, Love". View her original post here] Dear Ones: This picture of me and Rayya was taken one year ago today. This picture was taken on the morning of our commitment ceremony — a day on which we bound our hearts to each... Continue Reading →

Turning the Enemy into your Friend

(This post is an excerpt from the book - The Love Mindset (An Unconventional Guide to Healing and Happiness) written by Vironika Tugaleva. Know more about Vironika here.) I used to think that other people could hurt me. I used to think, also, that other people could save me. Alone with my own self, life was unbearable. There was always a voice... Continue Reading →

Dumbest Kid in the World

A young boy enters a barbershop and the barber whispers to his customer, “This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch and I’ll prove it to you.” The barber holds a 10 Rupee note in one hand and a 5 Rupee coin in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, “Which do you want,... Continue Reading →

Life is Unfair

The greatest war that the land had ever witness was over - the war of Mahabharat. All the great warriors had ascended to higher realms. Each of them were in a reflective space and were looking back at their own lives. In one particular interaction between Krishna and Karna, Karna starts to say, "My mother... Continue Reading →

The Life After

In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other: "Do you believe in life after delivery?" The other replied, "Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later." "Nonsense" said the first. "There is no life after delivery. What... Continue Reading →

The Buddha’s wife

He left her in the middle of the night, the night their son was born. When she heard the news she was devastated. Yet, she did not complain. But her life lost all meaning. The only reason for her to live now was her son. She wanted him to grow up to be a man... Continue Reading →

Don’t we all?

I was parked in front of the mall wiping off my car. I had just come from the car wash and was waiting for my wife to get out of work. Coming my way from across the parking lot was what society would consider a bum. From the looks of him, he had no car,... Continue Reading →

A story of Nothing

He had everything that a man could want, which in itself was a euphemism considering he was the King. He had a summer palace, a winter palace and many other palaces in between, the same could be said about his many wives. He had an army that could vanquish any enemy and a treasury that... Continue Reading →

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