Conversations with the Feminine

Dear Embodied Feminine, I love it when you choose to visit me. I feel a stir deep inside of me the moment you walk into the room. It is like a part of me lights up every time I experience you, speak with you and spend time with you. There is something about your presence... Continue Reading →

I am not traumatised!

"My parents beat me up as a child, but I am not traumatized," said the man whose ex-partner reported him for physical violence. "When I was a child they left me alone, crying,  until I fell asleep. I was not allowed to go out at all," said the man who as an adult spends long... Continue Reading →

Chrysalis – during testing times

[Note : This is a post written during the Corona Virus Pandemic and the global crisis. However, I believe this might be a relevant post during any kind of crisis.] They told me that I was going through a natural transformation. I was no longer going to be part of the Caterpillar Community. I was... Continue Reading →


"WHY ME?" This is the most natural question to come in to our minds when we go through a very painful experience. Pain has this uncanny knack of getting us to stop in our tracks and question everything that is happening around us. "Why is this happening to me?" "Why do I only have to... Continue Reading →

“Strong” is a disease

I was told crying would make me weak, but it made me stronger. I was told failure and pain would make me weak, but it made me stronger. I was told talking about my worries and fears would make me weak, but it made me stronger. I was told surrendering to life would make me... Continue Reading →

Your Sacred Boundaries

There are some aspects of your life that are Sacred. The dictionary defines the word "Sacred" as "something that is holy and deserving respect; too important to be changed; something connected with Divinity" I often meet people who spend large amounts of energy in trying to deal with opinions, suggestions and solutions. These opinions and... Continue Reading →

Death Gives Meaning to Life

[ Note : The post is about death. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, or have been suicidal at some point in your life or bear some raw wounds around death, this post might have some statements that can appear insensitive and provocative. Perhaps you can skip this post. ] Imagine... Continue Reading →

I Love You…and therefore….

Love is one of the most interesting phenomena in human existence. The more I try to understand this phenomenon, the more I realise its sheer beauty and endlessness. Love truly is limitless and immeasurable. However, in this post I wish to talk about an aspect of love that is measurable, very limited, and mostly unconscious... Continue Reading →

The Death-Wish

Many of us die even before our bodies are dead. Our bodies go through the motions of life, but our spirit is not really living. Some are absolutely dead inside, some are partially dead.

The Vedic Way of Life

The ancient Indians scripted the Vedas. The Vedas were poetic expositions on spirituality and life. And quite obviously therefore, the vedas are pretty vast and exhaustive. Nobody really is an author to the Vedas. We believe that it is just a documentation of how the Ancient Indian Civilization lived their life. This post is inspired... Continue Reading →

The Maharishi Effect

This post is an extension of my previous post "The 100th Monkey Effect". The 100th Monkey effect talked about how information reaches a certain critical mass in the Collective Consciousness, and the entire population becomes aware of the information. This is a post about another study that influences the Collective Consciousness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder... Continue Reading →

In-Charge or In-Control

Let us first start with understanding these two phrases - 'Being in charge' & 'Being in control'. Let me make a reference to sports to get the meaning clear. "The Team Manager just announced that Coach Henry is no longer in charge of his team". This would imply that Coach Henry is no longer in... Continue Reading →

Happiness – State of Being or Situational

I believe that every human is striving through every moment of his/her life seeking happiness. However, each of us defines happiness differently. What is happiness for one might not be happiness for another. Across our lives, we all identify special moments where we experience happiness. And these moments are special for us when put in... Continue Reading →

Spirituality in a Traffic-Jam

Traffic can be scary. Traffic can make you weary. And yet I have found that some of the best advice always comes from some of the worst experiences man goes through. Here's a compilation of things that I have learnt while I was getting stuck on the roads of India! 1. Each city has a... Continue Reading →

Just a Choice

What if everything that we did in our lives was just a choice? Neither right nor wrong. Just a choice. What if we were to look at everything that happened in our lives also as just choices that people made? Of course, we might not like certain choices that certain people made. Yes, we might... Continue Reading →

Tolerate, Adjust & Compromise

I am writing this post especially in an Indian context, from the perspective of living life in an Indian society. But perhaps this might well apply to other societies too. As a society, India is a rich culture and has a rich heritage that is built on some beautiful values. The ancient Indians led spiritual... Continue Reading →

Remembering Past Lives

Sometimes people talk about experiences that might seem a bit far-fetched for the others around to believe. Sometimes people talk about feelings and emotions that are real, but in some way too intense and a tad disproportionate to reality. Some other people talk about images/visuals that come to them (either in their dreams or in... Continue Reading →

What you resist persists

This post is in an extension of my earlier post "Meeting the Dark". We resist the 'Dark' in us. And the simple reason we do that is because we all want to be accepted, celebrated and belong to the tribe. This is the deepest conditioning that every human is born with. And we would do... Continue Reading →

Is Tom & Jerry really for kids?

I loved Tom & Jerry like crazy when I was a kid. I probably didn't spare any opportunity to watch it on TV. My parents were very happy that Tom and Jerry kept me entertained when I was not at school. Till this day, I love Tom & Jerry and I can have a hearty laugh... Continue Reading →

Meeting the ‘Dark’

This post is going to be metaphoric in nature. And so while you read this post, I would like you to think in symbolism. 'Light' and 'Dark' are symbolic words. They are not absolute. Many religions talk about Light and Dark in absolute terms. The popular belief is that 'dark' is evil and bad. However,... Continue Reading →


I recently met a friend and the first thing I found myself telling her was "Wow, you've lost so much weight!". And pat came the reply, "Oh! I am tired of hearing so many versions of my weight. Some say I've lost weight...some say I've gained weight. I honestly do not care about these compliments... Continue Reading →

I’ve got Thick Skin and an Elastic Heart

Of all the qualities a Human Mind can possess, I would rate compassion and resilience as among the most important of them all. Compassion Compassion is not kindness. Compassion is not forgiveness. Compassion is not pleasing-others. Compassion is not about being nice. Compassion is a much deeper quality where you understand the emotional state of... Continue Reading →

Am I really lazy?

"Oh! I am a very lazy person..." I hear this from many people. Personally, I do not believe there is any mental condition called 'Laziness'. It is just a word that describes behaviour in a very flippant and judgmental manner. What might be happening inside the mind of a 'Lazy' person is a whole other... Continue Reading →


"Gosh! I look sooo terrible in this dress!!" "Ugh! I'm so fat!!" "I hate my hair...actually I hate my nose and lips too..." "My skin is so bad. I'v even got ugly wrinkles all over!" "My tummy always embarrasses me!" "I can never look good in any pic!" "I look so old!" "I wish I... Continue Reading →

Procrastination vs Perfectionism

Procrastination and Perfectionism are two sides of the same coin! Both these phenomenon are largely subconscious. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to detect procrastination and perfectionism in us. And it can get even more elusive to see the link between the two. Well, to put it simply, it can be very hard for us to... Continue Reading →

Hate is not the opposite of Love

We have often been taught that "I hate you" is the opposite of "I love you". So if you love someone you cannot hate them. And if you hate someone you cannot love them. Sadly, that's not always the case. As humans, we are very complex and sophisticated emotional beings. And very often we find ourselves... Continue Reading →

Type of Soulmates

"Important Encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other."   ~ Paulo Coelho  Soulmates are like the classmates we have in school. Every classmate is not your best friend. Every classmate is not even your friend. Classmates are just a bunch of kids who have started their educational journey together and are... Continue Reading →

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