Sign from the Universe

There was a poor man who was unhappy and miserable. He was homeless and did not  have any food to eat. He constantly wallowed in self-pity and felt a lot of pain. He cursed life and he cursed everybody who seemed to have a good life. His pain and misery eventually made him feel entitled.... Continue Reading →

Three letters from Teddy

There is a story many years ago of an elementary teacher. Her name was Mrs. Thompson. And as she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all... Continue Reading →

I am not traumatised!

"My parents beat me up as a child, but I am not traumatized," said the man whose ex-partner reported him for physical violence. "When I was a child they left me alone, crying,  until I fell asleep. I was not allowed to go out at all," said the man who as an adult spends long... Continue Reading →

Chrysalis – during testing times

[Note : This is a post written during the Corona Virus Pandemic and the global crisis. However, I believe this might be a relevant post during any kind of crisis.] They told me that I was going through a natural transformation. I was no longer going to be part of the Caterpillar Community. I was... Continue Reading →


"WHY ME?" This is the most natural question to come in to our minds when we go through a very painful experience. Pain has this uncanny knack of getting us to stop in our tracks and question everything that is happening around us. "Why is this happening to me?" "Why do I only have to... Continue Reading →

A Slow Death (A Morte Devagar)

This is a poem that was written by Martha Medeiros, a brazilian writer and journalist. This was originally published in Portugese with the title "A Morte Devagar" which translates to "A Slow Death". Here is a translation of the original poem into English. A Slow Death (A Morte Devagar) by Martha Medeiros It’s a slow... Continue Reading →

Embracing Loneliness – Part 1

NOTE : The following is an excerpt from the talks of Osho. This piece was originally posted in the online magazine "Osho World, March 2010 edition". (click to see original post) Question : Should one first come to terms with one's own loneliness before entering into a relationship? Answer : Yes, you have to come... Continue Reading →

“Strong” is a disease

I was told crying would make me weak, but it made me stronger. I was told failure and pain would make me weak, but it made me stronger. I was told talking about my worries and fears would make me weak, but it made me stronger. I was told surrendering to life would make me... Continue Reading →

Feelings vs. Emotions

QUESTION : Is there a difference between "Emotions" and "Feelings"? Are they interchangeable in their usage?   ANSWER : All of us have emotions. Not all of us can feel our emotions. They say emotions are the hallmark of human beings. Emotions guide our actions and behaviour. Emotions give us an awareness of our environment.... Continue Reading →

Your Sacred Boundaries

There are some aspects of your life that are Sacred. The dictionary defines the word "Sacred" as "something that is holy and deserving respect; too important to be changed; something connected with Divinity" I often meet people who spend large amounts of energy in trying to deal with opinions, suggestions and solutions. These opinions and... Continue Reading →

Death Gives Meaning to Life

[ Note : The post is about death. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, or have been suicidal at some point in your life or bear some raw wounds around death, this post might have some statements that can appear insensitive and provocative. Perhaps you can skip this post. ] Imagine... Continue Reading →

I Am Not Good Enough!

A lot of people deeply believe that they are not good enough. "I am not good enough!", they say. According to me this is a trap. It can sometimes make a person feel like it is almost impossible to get out of this feeling. For most of us who feel we are not good enough, our... Continue Reading →

I Love You…and therefore….

Love is one of the most interesting phenomena in human existence. The more I try to understand this phenomenon, the more I realise its sheer beauty and endlessness. Love truly is limitless and immeasurable. However, in this post I wish to talk about an aspect of love that is measurable, very limited, and mostly unconscious... Continue Reading →

The Death-Wish

Many of us die even before our bodies are dead. Our bodies go through the motions of life, but our spirit is not really living. Some are absolutely dead inside, some are partially dead.

The Desire for Validation

Validation is a very deep and subconscious need for all of us. Validation is healing. Validation is soothing. But how do we know when our desire for validation has consumed us? This is a little story based on Indian Mythology. The Ramayana is considered one of the greatest epics written in Indian Culture. Valmiki is... Continue Reading →

The Carpenter

Once upon a time, two brothers who lived on adjoining farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side-by-side, sharing machinery and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch. Then the long collaboration fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and it grew into a major... Continue Reading →

The Boiling Frog Syndrome

Human Beings and Frogs are two creatures in nature who have a tremendous power to tolerate and adjust. This was a study conducted sometime in the early 1900's. However, there is a lot of debate regarding the authenticity of this study. Nonetheless, the theory is quite interesting and quite pertinent to human beings. Put a... Continue Reading →

Stuck and Helpless

 Question : My sister is married and living away from home. But she isn't happy. She confides in me and tells me of all the difficulties that she faces with her husband and in-laws. She seems to be stuck and helpless. I also feel that she is not telling me many of the things that... Continue Reading →


Innocence is a quality that every child is born with. Some of us lose it along the way. Some of us know how to keep it intact. Some of us work towards finding it later in life. Innocence is such a beautiful quality that it really shapes the way you think and the way you... Continue Reading →

The Vedic Way of Life

The ancient Indians scripted the Vedas. The Vedas were poetic expositions on spirituality and life. And quite obviously therefore, the vedas are pretty vast and exhaustive. Nobody really is an author to the Vedas. We believe that it is just a documentation of how the Ancient Indian Civilization lived their life. This post is inspired... Continue Reading →

Pushing my husband to change

Question : I am quite a spiritual person. I believe in the Mystical World of Metaphysics and have even transformed my own life with the help of the Universal Energies. My concern is that my husband does not believe in what I believe. I have tried a lot to impress upon him the beauty of the... Continue Reading →

The Maharishi Effect

This post is an extension of my previous post "The 100th Monkey Effect". The 100th Monkey effect talked about how information reaches a certain critical mass in the Collective Consciousness, and the entire population becomes aware of the information. This is a post about another study that influences the Collective Consciousness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder... Continue Reading →

The Pianist

One time, a fine pianist performed at a party for 50 rich women. After she was done, a woman from the party said to the virtuoso, “I’d give anything to play as you do.” As the master pianist sipped her coffee in slow motion, she took a brief pause and said, “Oh no you wouldn’t.”... Continue Reading →

The 100th Monkey Effect

Have you noticed children nowadays (even as early as 3 years of age) seem to very naturally handle technology and gadgets? And on the contrary, we adults (typically people in the late 30's and beyond) sometimes seem to fumble and struggle adapting to technology and gadgets? Ever thought about how it is that kids in... Continue Reading →

In-Charge or In-Control

Let us first start with understanding these two phrases - 'Being in charge' & 'Being in control'. Let me make a reference to sports to get the meaning clear. "The Team Manager just announced that Coach Henry is no longer in charge of his team". This would imply that Coach Henry is no longer in... Continue Reading →

Confused about my marriage…

Question : I feel I am in an extremely draining marriage. My husband is NEVER there for me physically or emotionally. I feel there is hardly a marriage anymore between us anymore. But then he tells me that he still loves me, cares for me and can't live without me. I have also found him... Continue Reading →

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