Death Gives Meaning to Life

[ Note : The post is about death. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, or have been suicidal at some point in your life or bear some raw wounds around death, this post might have some statements that can appear insensitive and provocative. Perhaps you can skip this post. ] Imagine... Continue Reading →

I Love You…and therefore….

Love is one of the most interesting phenomena in human existence. The more I try to understand this phenomenon, the more I realise its sheer beauty and endlessness. Love truly is limitless and immeasurable. However, in this post I wish to talk about an aspect of love that is measurable, very limited, and mostly unconscious... Continue Reading →

The Vedic Way of Life

The ancient Indians scripted the Vedas. The Vedas were poetic expositions on spirituality and life. And quite obviously therefore, the vedas are pretty vast and exhaustive. Nobody really is an author to the Vedas. We believe that it is just a documentation of how the Ancient Indian Civilization lived their life. This post is inspired... Continue Reading →

Pushing my husband to change

Question : I am quite a spiritual person. I believe in the Mystical World of Metaphysics and have even transformed my own life with the help of the Universal Energies. My concern is that my husband does not believe in what I believe. I have tried a lot to impress upon him the beauty of the... Continue Reading →

The Maharishi Effect

This post is an extension of my previous post "The 100th Monkey Effect". The 100th Monkey effect talked about how information reaches a certain critical mass in the Collective Consciousness, and the entire population becomes aware of the information. This is a post about another study that influences the Collective Consciousness. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (founder... Continue Reading →

The 100th Monkey Effect

Have you noticed children nowadays (even as early as 3 years of age) seem to very naturally handle technology and gadgets? And on the contrary, we adults (typically people in the late 30's and beyond) sometimes seem to fumble and struggle adapting to technology and gadgets? Ever thought about how it is that kids in... Continue Reading →

In-Charge or In-Control

Let us first start with understanding these two phrases - 'Being in charge' & 'Being in control'. Let me make a reference to sports to get the meaning clear. "The Team Manager just announced that Coach Henry is no longer in charge of his team". This would imply that Coach Henry is no longer in... Continue Reading →

I am Willing

[This post is originally written by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of best-seller "Eat, Pray, Love". View her original post here] Dear Ones: This picture of me and Rayya was taken one year ago today. This picture was taken on the morning of our commitment ceremony — a day on which we bound our hearts to each... Continue Reading →

Remembering Past Lives

Sometimes people talk about experiences that might seem a bit far-fetched for the others around to believe. Sometimes people talk about feelings and emotions that are real, but in some way too intense and a tad disproportionate to reality. Some other people talk about images/visuals that come to them (either in their dreams or in... Continue Reading →

The Life After

In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other: "Do you believe in life after delivery?" The other replied, "Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later." "Nonsense" said the first. "There is no life after delivery. What... Continue Reading →

Karmic Patterns and Therapy

Question : If all that is happening to us is Karma, then how can you resolve it and why would you want to resolve it? Are you trying to play God by being a therapist and trying to change things? Answer : Yes indeed, everything happening in our lives has a reason. And it is... Continue Reading →

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